Quite a while ago, I bought one of the Creatology Puzzle houses figuring that it would make a nice little house. While it does have the bones to be a good house, it is going to take some work to make it great. I have already been working on this for a little while (I started the foundation and brick last November) and I custom made each window. The exterior is made of stir sticks I found at Walmart. I have given them a watered down coat of black/grey. Once I have finished the exterior, all of it will be in watered black/grey, then I will use crackle paint, then a coat of white. I want the exterior to look aged. I don't want this house to look new. The premise that I see is that a little old lady lives alone in this house and cannot keep it up. I want it to look homey, showing that there was a lot of love in this house at one time. I also want to add very understated items to show that it is haunted (I don't want this to be a Halloween theme at all - so very understated).
This house is approximately 1/2 scale (1:24), however, the rooms are very small. I am concerned that not a lot of stuff will fit in here, but that will happen a lot later. For now, enjoy the "in progress" photos, and if you have one of these houses, let me know as I would love to see what others have been doing with theirs. It doesn't be perfect, it just needs some imagination :)
This is what the original dollhouse looks like when put together as per their instructions: